OPK Help???


So since March my lovely Wife has been peeing on OPK’s every so often while awaiting her period. They’ve never shown anything other than the test line.

She did spot for 4 days which we thought would lead to a period but never did. If that was counted as an AF then she would currently be CD13.

She started taking pregnitude just before the spotting and so she’s been peeing on things daily just to see…. Today she’s done it twice and both times it’s gotten darker. Could this mean she’s going to ovulate?

Her temps are a little crazy!



4 thoughts on “OPK Help???

  1. What Molly said. Sometimes I get darker lines, then it goes lighter, then dark enough to be positive. It varies by the woman, and it can take a few months to figure out the rhythm of someone’s cycle.


  2. I’ve been tracking mine for 4 months and with my own it starts getting darker around cd11 and I get a temp drop then ovulate on 14. OPK is usually completely negative the evening before I ovulate. May be tmi but her cervix seems to have gone so high it is unreachable so hoping this could be ovulation 🙂 *fingers crossed*


  3. Your temp drop usually occurs after you’ve dropped an egg. So it’s not a good sign to look for ahead of time. It looks like she will get a positive in a day or two. The test line has to be as dark or darker than the control line to be positive. Your on the right track though, watch fir CM and CP changes, and have her pee on a stick morning, afternoon and night to find your peak.

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